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Version 4.0 is here!

Version 4.0 of our Access Rating App is here with more venue types to review and an improved search facility! Yes, that’s right, not only can you review hotels, bars and restaurants we’ve now added the ability to review music and sports venues as well as airports and shops.

New, Improved search facility

Now integrated with Google Maps find the venue you are looking for easier and quicker than before. If you’re looking for something in particular to suit your access needs you can now filter existing reviews by mobility need. Our new filters offer you the ability to view results based on venues accessibility for; manual wheelchairs, power/electric chairs, mobility scooters, customers who use a walking aid, and a category called ‘other mobility impairment’ as we recognise there are many circumstances which may mean that people have access requirements. View where you are on a clear, concise map and see all nearby venues, find one you’re interested in and use the search bar in the app to see any reviews left for that venue.

New Venues

not only can you still review your favourite bars and restaurants you can now find information on sports and music venues, gyms airports and shops!  Use the geolocation, together with the access filters to find somewhere suitable to eat, drink, shop and entertain yourself without worrying if your access needs will be met. Review as you go and your visits will enable others to have an equally informed and stress free experience.

You do not have to be disabled to use the app. Society working together to make our environments accessible for everyone is the dream, often just commenting on whether something is available is a big help for people with access needs. Download the app onto your Apple or Android phone and then when you visit a venue, look and comment on the following things:

Parking Facilities

Is there a car park or space to park your car at the venue you are visiting? If possible make a note if there are any disabled spaces and where they are located in relation to the building. Car parking charges are also useful to know.

Door Access

How do you get into the venue? Are there steps up to the door? Is the door wide enough to fit a push chair or a wheelchair through? Perhaps if it’s a big business, e.g a leisure centre, the doors are automatic. The simplest details are very useful.

Level Access

Once inside is the area all flat or is it split level? If there is more than one floor is there a lift available?

Floor Space

Is the interior spacious or cramped? Is there plenty of space between tables, if it’s a cafe or a restaurant? Do you have to squeeze past anything to get to an information desk or counter?

Accessible Toilets

Does the venue have an accessible toilet? If there is, try and take note if there are any barriers to people gaining access. Bizarrely, steps to accessible toilets are sometimes present!

The above is a simple guide of what to look for and will help you decide what rating to give the place you are visiting. 5 stars is an excellent access rating, while a 1 star rating will almost certainly deter anyone with access needs from visiting that venue. By posting a review you are helping make society accessible and also giving businesses an insight into what they are doing well or what is needed to make their business more accessible. It takes 30 seconds or less to leave a review. With a word limit of 100 words per review we just want your honest opinion, not an essay and as version 4.0 now comes with full Google Maps integration and uses your geo-location, (with permission,) finding and reviewing venues is quick and easy.

Welcome to the access revolution!

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